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George Regional Employee Gets Amateur Radio Licenses in 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hospital staffer, Harold “Butch” Murphy, received two out of three Federal Communications Commission (FCC) radio licenses between April and June 2015 and plans to get a third one by December.

Butch, the assistant safety director at George Regional Health System, got his Technician license at an Amateur Radio training hosted by the Mississippi Hospital Association’s Emergency Preparedness Program on April 22. Two months later, he earned a General license at an FCC approved test site sponsored by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Butch hopes to expand the hospital’s emergency response capacity by growing his expert knowledge in alternative radio communications.

Amateur radio is a gateway for technology enthusiasts to make advancements in broadcast communication, while improving technical skills. For some enthusiasts, amateur radio is a hobby, but for others it is a community service. Amateur radio has been used by volunteers and local responders to save lives when regular forms of communications fail.

Butch knows the importance of alternative communications during major disasters. He has worked as a safety professional in several states and experienced most everything Mother Nature can dish out. His experiences include devastation from snow storms, floods, hail, earthquakes, fires, mudslides, ice storms, and tornadoes. He also weathered hurricanes Katrina and Ivan. Butch said, “Throughout all of my experiences, ONE THING stands out…the integral piece in the response process—COMMUNICATION!!”

Butch is an avid supporter of alternative radio communications use in hospitals. Having committed 20 years as a volunteer fireman, 12 years as employee at George Regional Health System, and 7 years as a certified medical first responder, Butch now wants to become more involved in radio emergency services. Supporting Butch in his endeavors are his wife, 4 children, 5 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren.

George Regional Health System, founded in 1950, is a nonprofit healthcare organization comprised of primary and specialty care facilities. Formerly George County Hospital, the facility is located in Lucedale, MS and specializes in general medicine, family practice, obstetrics, pediatrics and general surgery.

For more information about George Regional Health System, contact 601-947-3161 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. To learn more about Amateur radio licensing, contact Valarie Jackson at the Mississippi Hospital Association at [email protected] or call 601-368-3219.

Main Photo: Harold “Butch” Murphy, Assistant Safety Director, George Regional Health System