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George Regional Hospital Hosts Book Signing

Monday, January 13, 2020

Over the last few months, a book featuring George Regional Hospital departments and employees has been in the works. That book, George County Hospital, the First 50 Years, is now available. There will be a book signing Thursday, January 30 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in the Outpatient Lobby. The books are $20. The book was edited by Dr. Dayton Whites and Joyce Rutherford.


“Early in 2019, a group of present and former employees came together with the idea of putting together a small book covering the first 50 years of George County Hospital. This period covers the beginning of the hospital during a time when the hospital was small and employees felt like members of a close-knit family who ran the hospital. The story we tell here ends in the year 2000 when the hospital became larger and moved into the 21st century…” – from the introduction