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George Regional Hospital Treat the First Patients in George County with Monoclonal Antibodies

Monday, November 23, 2020

Hospitals across the state began receiving the newest COVID-19 treatment last week—Monoclonal Antibodies. George Regional Hospital administered the first antibody treatment of its kind to two COVID positive patients last Friday, three days later each of those patients are doing well with few if any symptoms. The patient’s physician felt certain these patients would have needed hospitalization if they had not received the treatment

Monoclonal Antibodies have been shown to directly neutralize the COVID-19 Virus and prevent the progression of the disease, according to the Mississippi State Department of Health. “We received 5 vials of the new treatment last week and were able to treat two patients on Friday,” explains Greg Havard, CEO, George Regional Health System.

This new treatment was similar to the treatment President Trump received. Early research indicates the newly approved FDA treatment has proven to reduce the viral load and improve symptoms quickly. “I’ll stress, this is an outpatient treatment,” Havard adds. “It’s specifically for those who are at the greatest risk for progressing to severe COVID-19 and/or hospitalization. The goal is to keep them out of the hospital.”